
Konstantinos John Saitanis


The first name “Konstantinos”  -also appears as Kostas or “Costas” (…my nickname)- comes from the Latin name Constantinus, the name of Constantine the Great [who transferred the Capital of the Roman state from Rome (4th century AD) to Constantinople  (the city (polis), of Constantine the Great)]. It comes from the participle “constans” which means “stable, steady, confident”, and possibly “patient” or “determined”.

The patronym “Yiannis” or “Ioannis ” or “John”  is a Hellenized form of the Hebrew name Jonathan which means the “Gift of God” or “the grace of God”. But a more descriptive and accurate translation is “God was generous”. In Greek Yiannis appears also as Giannis that probably comes from the Italian version: Gianni. The name was spread because of the great honor that the church pays to John the Baptist. Through the Latin version Johannes spread widely in European languages: English: John; French: Jean; German: Johan, Johannes, Spanish: Juan; Russian: Ivan.

For the surname “Saitanis”, in a first investigation in recent history, a document of the Archives of Paligensia of the Hellenic Parliament was found (Volume 22, Pages 97-98), where it appears that Saitanis Panagiotis co-signed “Report of the inhabitants of Galaxidi District to the Honorable Senate” on August 3, 1831

The surname “Saitanis” actually seems to be quite older, originating in the ancient Greek civilization; and there are the following two acceptations: 

First of all, it is compounded from the root “Saita-“ and the productive suffix “‑anis”.

The root “Saita” [Lat. sagitta]: means:
(a) arrow or spear and
(b) shuttle = a kind of arrow (a part of the loom, with which it passes the weft through the threads of the warp).

Related words: Saitevo (σαϊτέυω) (in medieval Greek it appears with double “t” saittevo  (σαϊττέυω)): I mark with a bow, I throw an arrow (mtf.- In literature: I inspire love in someone / I hit with the arrows of love | Saitia (σαϊτιά) (medieval Greek): the launch of a shuttle |Σαϊτοθήκη – Saitotheca = Saito-theca =  shuttle + theca (case) = Shuttle case = quiver. Saiteftis (σαϊτευτής): the one who throws an arrow, the archer.

The suffix “-anis”, is common in nationally derived surnames, and indicates:

a) the “origin” of someone from an area with a place name indicated by the first compound of the word (before the suffix) (e.g. Gouramanis = the one who comes from the area of Goura), etc.].
b) the “profession” of someone [e.g. Sinanis = the maker of swords (sinan = spear, sword) etc.]

Based on the above, the surname “Sait-anis” declares: 

1) either  the one who makes arrows or spears (or maybe the archer) or the one who makes shuttles / loom stands or the one who shoots arrows of love and seduces (charming)…
2) or the one who originates from the Mountain “Saitas”, which is located in Peloponnese, shared among the prefectures of Arcadia, Argolis, Achaia and Corinth.…
3) or the one who is fast in mind, like an arrow, very smart, intelligence…

All the three excipients may be associated with the goddess Athena associated with the worship of the goddess Athena (goddess of wisdom, knowledge and science – hence the emblem of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens) [Αθηνά: Α(=Η)-Θεο-Νόα = “Η νόηση του θεού”;  Athens: A (=the) – Theo (=god) – Noah (=intellect) = “The intellect of God”]. The Goddess Athena was worshiped in different areas with different surnames (see here and here). In ancient Athens the goddess Athena was worshiped as Athena “Parthenos” [Athena the “Virgin” (recall the word “parthenogenesis” in biology], in the temple of the “Parthenon”, while in some areas of the Peloponnese (e.g. at Kiveri, Argolis area) she was worshiped as Athena “Saitis” – which probably meant the Goddess with the spear, as she was the only goddess holding a spear.
It should be noted that the name of the mountain “Saitas” is very likely to come from an ancient toponym (place-name).

From this also comes the word “Saini” that means the “keen intelligence” referred to very smart persons.


The Goddess Athena holding her spear. She was worshiped with many adjectives, such as Athena Parthenos (with a Sanctuary at the Parthenon) in Athens, or as Athena “Saitis”, in Argolis, or as “Saida” in Egypt…

The name “Saida” or “Sais” was also given to an Egyptian city at the mouth of the Nile, which, according to Diodorus, was built by the goddess Athena, who was worshiped there as “Saida” or “Sais” (see here and here, page 410) and there was there a majestic sanctuary dedicated to her. “Saida” was the metropolis of the “Saitic” prefecture of Lower Egypt [founded in the around the Delta of Nile, and an administrative base during the 26th “Saite Dynasty” (664–525 BC). Diodorus also narrates that Athena built “Saida” before the Flood which was said to have destroyed Athens and Atlantis. While all Greek cities were destroyed during the Flood, Egyptian cities, including “Saida”, survived.

Sonchis of Saïs or Sonchis Saïtis (Greek: Σῶγχις ὁ Σαΐτης); fl. 594 BC) was an Egyptian priest who is mentioned in Greek writings as relating the account of Atlantis. Plutarch (in his work Ethics – About Isis and Osiris) in his detailed report on the Greek philosophers who visited Egypt and were consulted by the Egyptian priests, among others, mentions that Solon traveled to Egypt and was taught by Sonchis Saïtis. (see here)

As toponym, it occurs in Samos island, Greece, where there are two beaches called “mikro saitani” and “megalo saitani”, but it is not known how this toponyms came out. It should be mentioned that a mountain and a village named Saitas” or “Saittas”  exist also in Cyprus, where there is also the monastery of Mesa Potamos which also has a church dedicated to Panagia Saittiotissa. In addition, in Cyprus, there is a sports called “Saitta” as well as the “Pancyprian Association of Saitta” (or Pancyprian Association of Shuttle).  

Thus, the names Saitas – Saitis – Saittas – Saida reveal the ancient connection between the Peloponnese-Cyprus-Egypt…

Concerning the geographical distribution of the surname Saitanis, except Greece, (see map here και white pages here) it has been found in the very old Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895, in Hungary (Elisabeth Saitani, Franciscus Saitani, Antonius Saitani, Georgius Saitani), in the Select Baptisms Index, 1642-1912, in Argentina (Teresa Saitani), in the West Virginia, Births Index, 1804-1938 (George Saitani, Mary Angeline Saitani), in the Fremantle, Western Australia, Passenger Lists, 1897-1963 (Georges Saitanis), in Japan (Kaoru Saitani; Hideo Saitani; Umetarō Saitani; Yukiko Saitani; Ryo Saitani, Film Director; Liao Saitanis, Film Director), as well as in New York, Canada, and elsewhere. 

Other uses…

Ιn Japan there is a village, named Saitani-moura in the Nagaoka-gun county,  and another region named “Saitani”. There exist also the Saita town and Saita rive in the Kagawa prefecture. Saitama City is the capital of Saitama Prefecture in Tokyo Metropolitan Area where exist the Saitama University. There exist also the Vila Saitan at Kyoto, as well as another futuristic Kyoto Villa Saitan 
In Laos there is the Saitani District while in Texas, U.S., the name Shatana means “Mother Mountains“.

Saitis (Σαΐτης) is a measure of liquid = 22 sextarii (ξέσται )
[where ξέστης=
sextarius (plural ξέσται =sextarii) – is a Roman measure of capacity, about 546 ml]

Saitan or Seitan is also a Japanese word meaning the wheat gluten as well as a vegan substitute for meat made of wheat gluten also known as “wheat meat”; this wheat gluten product dates back to ancient China and it is popular in Asia.

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