Biographical note...

Costas J. Saitanis is Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens and Director of the Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
Originating from Arcadia (prolly from the nearby Saitas Mt.), he completed his undergraduate 5-years Master-integrated studies (MSc, BSc) at the Agricultural University of Athens and he also received his PhD.
He has numerous international collaborations, many scientific visits abroad (in more than 20 countries/states) and he has performed sabbaticals at the Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA (2011), and at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA (2011, 2016).
He is teaching Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Ecology and Environment disciplines.
He has been Leader and Partner in a number of national and international research projects.
His research is dealing with the application of advanced statistical methods in the analysis of ecological and environmental data. He also conducts research dealing with the effects of air pollution on living organisms -with emphasis paid on the toxic effects of tropospheric ozone on plants and natural ecosystems. He also studies the utilization of organisms as bioindicators/biomonitors of environmental quality – mainly for ozone and heavy metals biomonitoring.
In recent years, his research interest has expanded to hormesis phenomenon. In his recent publications he compares (and parallels) the phenomenon of hormesis in toxicology with the “Allee effect” phenomenon in intraspecific competition, but also he studies the hormesis as a response mechanism of plants against the toxic effect of ozone.
His till now published work counts a total of more than 180 publications, including >65 paper in international scientific journals, >100 presentations in (mainly International) Scientific Conferences and 7 Chapters in books (6 in English). He is also a co-author (co-editor) of 2 Books (in Greek), one of which (Population Ecology – Population Dynamics) is used as a University Textbook. He has been interviewed by several national mass media (Newspapers, Radios and TV channels) which were attracted by his research.
His published work is internationally recognized and counts >2250 citations and a total Impact Factor >350.

Finally, he has reviewed >200 manuscripts for >50 International Scientific Journals.

Academic Positions

  • Present2021


    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 20162011

    Assistant Professor (tenured position)

    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 20112007

    Assistant Professor (tenure track)

    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 20072002

    Lecturer (tenure track)

    Laboratory Teaching Staff Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 20012000

    Special Laboratory & Teaching Staff

    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 20001998


    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

  • 19951990

    Lab Assistant Inren

    Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Athens

Education & Training

  • Sabbatical 2016


    North Carolina State University, NC, USA

  • Sabbatical 2011


    Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA & North Carolina State University, NC, USA

  • Ph.D. 1998

    Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences

    Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

  • 1990 - 1995

    Lab Assistant Intern

    Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

  • BSc-MSc 1984 - 1989 (5-years studies)

    Bachelor-Integrated Master (BSc-MSc)

    Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Seminar and Training Courses Attendance (National and Abroad)

  • 2002
    Agricultural Research Center - Cairo, EGYPT. - “Seasonal weather information for sustainable agricultural management in the Mediterranean region”
    “Seasonal weather information for sustainable agricultural management in the Mediterranean region”, organized by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies” (CIEAM) and by the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate - Agricultural Research Center for Egypt. Cairo, 19-23 Jan. 2002.
  • 2001
    Agricultural University of Athens - “Biostatistics”
    “Biostatistics” An advanced course focusing on data analysis using fussy logic. Agricultural University of Athens - in the framework of the Master Programm of the Department of Food Science. Invited course instructor: Prof. Stefan Varga (Slovak University of Technology). 21 & 22 May 2001.
  • 2001
    International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Trieste, ITALY - ``Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region. Part I: Physical Aspects``
    ``Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region. Part I: Physical Aspects`` organized by the Abdus Salam. International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Physics of Weather and Climate Section. Trieste, Italy. 12-16 March 2001
  • 1999
    I.A.T.A. Algero, Sardinia, ITALY - “Mediterranean Ecosystems Under Threat: Monitoring and Protecting Strategies”
    “Mediterranean Ecosystems Under Threat: Monitoring and Protecting Strategies” Organized by the Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. I.A.T.A. Instituto per I’Agrometeorologia I’Analisi Ambientale applicata all’Agricoltura. Algero – Sardinia, Italy. Oct. 2-14, 1999.
  • 1998-99
    Agricultural University of Athens - “Research methodology (Biometry)”
    “Research methodology (Biometry)”. A master level course. Agricultural University of Athens. Lab. of Plant Breeding and Biometry. Spring 1998-99. Instructor: Prof. Pantouses J. Kaltsikes.
  • 1998
    Agricultural University of Athens - “Agricultural Data Analysis and Experimental Design``
    “Agricultural Data Analysis and Experimental Design`` by the use of JMP software SAS”. An advanced course. Agricultural University of Athens. Invited course instructor: Prof. Andy Maurοmοustakοs from Agricultural Statistics Lab., University of Arkansas, USA. May 10-18, 1998.
  • 1998
    University of Helsinki, FINLAND - “Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Deposition”
    “A Course in Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Deposition” organized by the Department of Ecology and Systematic of the University of Helsinki, Finland. 28 Sep. –9 Oct. 1998.
  • 1991
    Agricultural University of Athens - “Agricultural Statistics and Data Analysis”
    1. “Agricultural Statistics and Data Analysis”. An advanced course organized by the Laboratory of Mathematics of Agricultural University of Athens and supported by the General Secretary of New Generation (1991). Course supervisor: Prof. D. Tambοurantzis. Duration 250 hours.