I carry out research in two main fields……“Statistical Ecology” and “Environmental Pollution”
- Statistical Ecology (…data processing)
In the framework of this domain I conduct or participate in research studies dealing with: Advanced statistics applied to ecological and environmental data analysis. Population ecology and population dynamics. Species association. Biodiversity measure – alpha-beta-gamma Diversity. Spatial patterns – SADIE analysis. Optimum sample size. Numerical ecology methods (cluster analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, RDA,…). - Environmental pollution (…experimental research)
In the framework of this domain I conduct or participate in research studies dealing with: Urban air pollutants’ dynamics – diurnal and seasonal patterns. Effects of ozone on cultivated plants and natural ecosystems. Instrumental monitoring and phytodetection of ground level ozone in urban, suburban, agricultural and forest areas, using ozone bioindicator plants (Bel-W3, white clover and snap beans biomonitoring tools). Laboratory experimental studies of ozone effects on plant physiology parameters (chlorophyll fluorecence and photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, phaeophytins, carotenoids, SOD enzyme, etc.). Biomonitoring of heavy metals in urban and industrial environments using street-belt ornamental plants and mosses bags. Mobility of radionuclides in the soil-roots-plant system. Hormesis phenomenon in environmental toxicology…